DR Khez Muttaqien Islamic University Purwakarta
Extension Class (Online Lectures / Blended) - UNISMU Purwakarta
Campus : Jl. Baru, Ciwareng, Kec. Babakancikao, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat 41151
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Extension Class Program / Employee College
UNISMU Purwakarta - DR Khez Muttaqien Islamic University Purwakarta

Cover also articles : Education System and Status of Students / Graduates Total Credit & Total Semester Cost of Education Overall Info Excellence
The following information about the Study Program / Majors / Department and Concentration / Specialization on UNISMU Purwakarta along prospectus (job/career prospects, profession, competencies of graduates) and curriculum (compulsory courses, choice, and weight SKS/credits).

Graduate Program (S-1)
Electrical Engineering (S-1) Electrical Engineering Accredited
Mechanical Engineering (S-1) Mechanical Engineering Accredited

SKS Load & Education Period

Study period and study load of students who have taken Regular Program and Extension Class (Online Lectures / Blended) follow the standards already set by the government, namely:
Minister's decision (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 in 2023 (please click)
Higher Education Quality Assurance.

ToStudy Load (Credits to be taken)Study Period
Graduate SMA, SMK, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 144 - 152 sks8 semester
Graduate D-III, Polytechnic,
Academy, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 40 - 46 sks
(If not a piece of science additional are given 2 - 21 sks)
3 semester
Graduate D2, S1, D1,
Transfer to S1
Calculated from remaining creditsCalculated from remaining credits

Prospectus and Curriculum Study Program / Majors / Department

(Required/Elective Courses, Job/Career Prospects, Profession, and Competencies of Graduates)
Table of Contents
1. S1 Electrical Engineering Program
2. S1 Mechanical Engineering Program

1. S1 Electrical Engineering

Graduate Degree : S.T. or Ir. (Engineer (Sarjana Teknik or Insinyur))
Prospectus of S1 Electrical Engineering
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Electrical Engineering
In general, S1 Electrical Engineering graduates have professional skills in the field of electrical engineering in public life, to follow and master the concepts of science and the development of new technologies in the field of electrical engineering, as well as be able to apply their knowledge for the benefit of the industry needs is local or global; has the ability to organize, design and make a decision in principle to apply their knowledge to achieve competitive results and optimal, analytical and critical thinking in the decision-making of electrical engineering problems; has the ability to apply science and engineering principles of electrical engineering and has a strong personal integrity, creative, and competent; has the ability formulate and analyze problems of electrical engineering at the same time develop the settlement system; has the ability to design a system in the field of electrical engineering; able to communicate effectively; has the ability to apply systematic, stages, methods and concepts that are needed in the field of electrical engineering.

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering basic competence is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can constantly learning; handling each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in electrical engineering; may solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units stub entrepreneur in the field of electrical engineering, was able to follow new developments in the field of electrical engineering, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at a further level.

In particular, a graduate in Electrical Engineering equipped with the knowledge, professional ethics, ability and skills to apply the theories of electrical engineering is growing rapidly by utilizing information and communication technologies in the areas of:

Electric Power Systems Engineering, includes energy conversion engineering, transmission engineering and power distribution, interconnection systems, techniques and safety regulation, high voltage engineering, power system analysis, power system security, industrial electrical engineering, design and analysis of network electrical, power quality analysis, electrical machines, transformers, power electronics, electrical measurement, test and calibration of medium voltage electrical devices, etc.

Telecommunications and Multimedia Engineering, covering communication systems, engineering transmitting and receiving information, the transmission and propagation of electromagnetic waves, the transmitter and receiver design, the use of microprocessors in signal processing other information and communication systems, communication techniques applied, telecommunications network, modem engineering design package thin traffic radio and TV repeater engineering design, multimedia, database design techniques, design of electronic information network engineering, telecommunications project management, design engineering systems and the provision of communications radar antennas, etc.

Control Systems Engineering, includes mathematical models, system dynamics, control components and equipment, with computer settings, planning and analysis of the system model, the optimal setting techniques, digital regulation technique, robotic techniques and the application of other regulatory systems engineering, systems engineering, PLC (Programmable Logic controller), setting the process engineering industry instrumentation, industrial automation, system analysis, system simulation and optimization systems, etc.

Computer Systems Engineering, includes hardware and computer software, system logic, the use of logic in computer engineering, the use of computers as a means of data processing and the making of the program and analyzing the results of the program, and interfacing digital, digital processing, multimedia networks, computer networks, systems database, the design of computer systems, programming languages, digital imagery, technology (design) integrated circuits, etc.

Electronic Engineering, and includes a series of electronic components, integrated circuits, electronic equipment design, component manufacturing techniques, and the use of measuring tools in the industry and biomedical electronics, engineering design and electronics systems based on fuzzy logic, medical electronics, instrumentation, techniques Scale Integrated circuit large (VLSI), analog electronics system design, digital electronics system design, design of integrated electronic systems, electronic devices, technology (design) integrated circuits, etc.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering can work and a career in government or private institutions (national and multinational), service industries (such as banking), as well as various electronics companies, electric power, telecommunications, control systems, computer systems, such as telephone, radio, television, instrumentation, radar, computers, control systems, satellite telecommunications systems, informatics, automatic control, robotics, antennas, wireless telecommunications, PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), image processing and machine vision, digital signal processing, renewable energy, energy audits, power generation and transmission and distribution, and digital interfacing, digital processing, multimedia networks, computer networks, database systems, computer systems, integrated circuits, electronic components, electronic equipment, electronic measuring instruments in industry and biomedical, medical electronics, analog electronics systems and digital, etc.

Being Entreprenuer with established consulting services of electronics, electricity consultant, telecom consultant, control systems consultant, computer systems consultant, or contractor or production company founded electronics, telecommunications, control systems, computer systems, etc.
S1 Electrical Engineering Courses
* = Specificity Electives / General Options
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Courses SKS
Numerical Analysis2
Power System Analysis *3
Advanced Power System Analysis *2
Computer-Based Analysis (Matlab) *2
Antennas & Propagation *2
Computer Architecture *3
Electrical Materials2
Assembler Language *2
English I2
English II2
English III *2
English IV *2
Basic Electronics3
Basic Computer & Programming2
Basic Electrical Energy Conversion2
Basic Control System3
Basic Telecommunications System3
Basic Electrical Engineering2
VLSI Design *2
Devais Electronics *3
Analog Electronics *3
Power Electronics *2
Digital Electronics *3
Electronics Industry *2
Electronic Communications *3
Electronics Medika *3
Electronics Optics *3
Electronics Telecommunications *3
Philosophy of Science *2
Physics I4
Physics II3
Modern Physics2
Fuzzy Logic *2
Symptoms of High Field *2
Symptoms of High Field Advanced *2
Waves Walking *2
Labor Laws2
Power Installation & Tech Lighting *2
Neural Networks *2
Telecommunication Networks *3
K3L (Occupational Health Safety & Environment)2
Calculus I2
Calculus II2
Calculus III2
Calculus IV2
Capita Selecta Electronics *3
Basic Chemistry2
Telecommunications System Performance *3
Control System Components *3
Aircraft Construction *3
Electrical Energy Conversion2
Engineering Management and Economics2
Engineering Mathematics I2
Engineering Mathematics II2
Engineering Mathematics III2
Electromagnetic Field I2
Electromagnetic Field II2
Mechatronics *3
Electrical Engineering Drawing (+ Studio)2
Direct Current Machines *2
Not Unison Engine *2
Research Methodology2
Microcontroller *3
Microprocessor *3
Courses SKS
Optimization *3
Opto-electronics *2
Pancasila and Citizenship3
Generating Electrical Energy *3
Advanced Programming *3
Religious Education2
Electrical Load Control *2
Settings Digital Electronics *3
Image Processing *2
Data Signal Processing *3
Digital Signal Processing *3
Pengt Flight Sciences2
Magnitude Measurement Electricity2
Equipment Settings *3
High Voltage Equipment *2
Digital System Design *3
Electronics System Planning *3
Electric Power System Planning *2
PLC (Programabel Logic Control) *2
Basic Electronics Lab1
Practical Computer Basics & Programming1
Practicum Control System Basic1
Practicum Power Engineering Basic1
Practical Fundamentals of Telecommunications1
Analog Electronics Lab *1
Practical Physics1
Practical Electrical Measurement Magnitude1
Practicum PLC (Programabel Logic Control) *1
Practicum and Digital Logic circuit has *1
Practicum Electric Circuits1
Pratikum Electrical Energy Convention *1
Electric Circuits I3
Electric Circuits II3
Series & Digital Logic *3
Traffic Engineering *3
Remote Sensing *2
Robotics *2
Transmission Line *3
Distribution System *2
Electronic Instrumentation System *3
Analog Communication Systems *3
Mobile Communications Systems *2
Data Communication Systems3
Digital Communication Systems *3
Flight Communications Systems *2
Control System *2
Digital Control System *3
Multivariable Control Systems *3
Optimal Control Systems *3
Linear Systems3
Microprocessor Systems *2
Signal Processing Systems *3
Defense Systems *2
Protection System *3
Advanced Protection System *2
Radar Systems *2
Statistics and Probability2
Stochastic *2
Interface Engineering *2
Microwave Engineering *2
Satellite Communication Engineering *2
Circuit technique Integration *3
Engineering Robot *3
Information Systems Technology2
Function Theory & Conditions Limit *2
Transformer *2
Eclectic Power Transmission *2
Power Transmission Pricing *2

2. S1 Mechanical Engineering

Graduate Degree : S.T. or Ir. (Engineer (Sarjana Teknik or Insinyur))
Prospectus of S1 Mechanical Engineering
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Mechanical Engineering
S1 Mechanical Engineering graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to design a machine tool, convert the energy from the source into useful energy, producing objects or machine parts in terms of techniques, processes and management.

S1 Mechanical Engineering graduate has the competence, skills, and knowledge of basic machine, solid mechanics, hydraulic and pneumatic, automotive, metallurgy, welding technology, cast technology, material failure, power generation systems, mechanics and fluid machinery, fuel and combustion motors in, heat and mass transfer, refrigeration and air conditioning engineering, machine tools and perautan, mechanical technology, industrial metrology, basic CNC, machining industry, computer aided engineering, mechanics and instrumentation, and industrial automation systems, maintenance engineering, energy conversion, energy management, etc.

General/basic competency Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of mechanical engineering; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of mechanical engineering, was able to follow new developments in the field of mechanical engineering, conduct research, or to follow the course of study in levels further.

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering master the basics of the nature of science in general machining techniques and in particular, having the ability to think creatively and critically so that they can learn independently continually to always be able to follow the development of these areas of expertise, so it has great adaptability to the demands of environment; has extensive knowledge and insight that can be self-employed and create jobs; dominate the field of mechanical engineering has an important role in the process of industrialization such as movers, construction equipment and machine tools factory; also capable of handling the research, design and development of engineering fields such as automotive , konvervasi manufacturing technology and energy fields.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering to work and a career in government or private agencies (national and multinational) such as state-owned enterprises (BUMN), manufacturing companies, automotive, energy, consultancy and contracting services, mining and petroleum, research institutes, universities (state and private universities), etc. : as a leader or manager, or maintenance expert engineering, energy conversion, energy management, designers and developers such as automotive engineering, manufacturing technology, etc.

Being technopreneurs with established consultants and contractors with regard to fuel consumption, performance, impact and energy management, engine performance analysis, operation & maintenance training, design and control of manufacturing processes and systems, training of manufacturing technology, CAD / CAM, CNC, quality control and metrology industries, etc.
S1 Mechanical Engineering Courses
* = Specificity Electives / General Options
SKS = Semester Credit Units

* = Concentration / Specificity / Options Courses
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Courses SKS
Heavy Equipment *3
Material Fatigue Analysis *3
Numerical Analysis and Computer Applications2
Structural Analysis *3
English 12
English 2 *2
English 3 *2
English 4 *2
Programming Languages *2
CAE *3
Fluid Dynamics *3
Vehicle Dynamics *3
Engineering Economics3
Machine Elements I3
Machine Elements II3
Machine Elements III *3
Basic Physics I3
Physics II3
FMS *3
Advanced Mechanical Vibration *3
Mechanical Vibration3
Basic Natural Science2
Cultural Social Science Association2
Calculus I3
Calculus II3
Boiler & Turbine Steam *3
Chemical Engineering3
Kinematics and Dynamics3
Kompt. Fluid Dynamics & Perp. Hot *3
Concept Design *3
Concept Technology *2
Corrosion *3
Energy Management *3
Production Management *3
Industrial Management3
Engineering Mathematics *3
Materials Engineering3
Materials Engineering II *3
Fluid Mechanics *3
Strength Material Mechanics3
Computer-Based Engineering Drawing2
Drawing Techniques2
Machines - Fluid machines3
Energy Conversion Machines3
Material Moving Machine *3
Machine Tools3
Physical Metallurgy3
Courses SKS
Finite Element Method *3
Research Methodology1
Industrial Metrology *3
Motor Fuel *3
Material Selection and Process2
Machine Programming NC / CNC3
Religious Education2
Citizenship Education2
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering2
Measurement Techniques2
Equipment Engineering *2
Experimental Design *3
Piping System Design *3
Tools Help *3
Heat Transfer3
Differential Equations *4
Lift and Transport Aircraft *3
Plastics and Polymers *3
Industry Practices *3
Basic Practicum
phenomenon Machines1
Practical Physics1
Practicum Achievement Machine1
Practicum Production Process1
Production Process I3
Production Process II3
Team Design Project I *3
Team Design Project II *3
Refrigrasi and Air Conditioning *3
Engineering Design *3
Robotics *3
Final Seminar1
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems2
Refrigrasi Systems and Applications *3
Solid Waste Management I *3
Solid Waste Management II *3
Structural Statics3
Statistics and Probability2
Voltage Exsperimental *3
Combustion Engineering *3
Engineering Establishment *3
Engineering Settings3
Casting Techniques *3
Welding Engineering *3
Engineering Heat Exchanger *3
Power Engineering2
Machining Technology *3
Basic Thermodynamics3
Applied Thermodynamics *3

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Tags / tagged: department, specialisation, prospectus, alumnus, online, lectures, blended, extension, class, unismu, purwakarta, dr, khez, muttaqien, islamic, university, prospectus alumnus, unismu purwakarta, khez muttaqien islamic, university purwakarta, higher, education quality assurance, to study, load, credits, analysis power, system security, industrial, electrical, or contractor, or production, company, founded electronics, power, transmission 2, transmission pricing 2, final 4, energy, management designers and, developers such, as, study program, curriculum
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